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Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter & Farruko – On My Way Lyrics Meaning Explained

20-year old American youngster Sabrina Carpenter and Puerto Rican singer Farruko teamed up with Norwegian DJ Alan Walker on his latest release titled On My Way. It was dropped on March 21, 2019.

What is the Alan Walker, Sabrina Carpenter & Farruko On My Way Lyrics Meaning?

Sabrina Carpenter sings the first verse. She indicates that she would like to be left alone. It is probably a difficult time for her and she says she does not want to be seen by people when she cries out her tears because people would not really understand why she is crying.

However, she knows that once she is done with her mourning, she will take the episode off her mind and go back to her normal routine. She accepts that she cannot be loved by everybody.

In the chorus, she is having a conversation with her lover over the phone. She tells him to say whatever he wants to say, she is still wide awake and not sleeping. This suggests the conversation is taking place at night. She reveals that she is on her way out of the relationship, even though there is “fire burning in her eyes”, meaning that she still feels something for the lover. She then says that she is left with no other choice but to leave in order to keep herself safe as only herself and no one else can keep her safe. She may be implying that the relationship is an abusive one and she is calling it to quit in order to escape from her abusive lover.

Farruko sings the second verse. He is the lover conversing with Sabrina Carpenter on the phone. He apologizes to Sabrina Carpenter, also saying that he is quitting the relationship because he has realized that she does not feel anything for him. She pleads with her not to hang up the phone so that he can clear his mind. He apologizes again for his errors, mistakes he has made during their time together and claims he still loves her and it is this love that made him do the things he did to her. Again, this gives credence to the hint Sabrina dropped in the first verse about the abusive nature of the relationship.  Having apologized to her, Farruko then ends the relationship.

Lyrics Meaning Explained in a few Words

On My Way is another break-up song in which the lovers still feel something for themselves but have to go their separate ways when the relationship fails to work out.

Facts about the Song

The second verse, by Farruko, was sung in Spanish.

Alan Walker is the sole producer of the song. He, however, has no vocal input in the song.

The song has a video which accompanied its release. This video has garnered more than 122 million views on YouTube.

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